A Team That Cares About Your Business!
Located in New York, Florida and Romania, BackDoorHost.com Company is a privately-held 15 year old company created from many mergers of smaller web and software development, retail and Internet marketing, business development, product development, video production and streaming, human resources and training companies over the years.Our company's development and management team encompasses many, many years of cumulative experience in the areas of Internet Retail Store and Internet Store Development and Marketing and Management, Computer/Internet/Web Software Application Development, SmartPhone Applications Development, Video & Audio Streaming Development and Production, Product Development, Finance and Business Management, Training, among other specialties, with a jovial sense of humor (well, most of us in the company have a jovial sense of humor).
For the past 15 years BackDoorHost and its Management Team Members developed software applications and databases, graphics, animation and video production, and promoted and marketed Internet Stores and products/services and trained people in these and other eCommerce, Internet Development, Internet Marketing and Software Application Development areas, and trained company personnel in how to make money through the Internet on an individual and confidential basis.
After many years of working for other companies and making money for them through our hard efforts, several BackDoorHost's Team Members decided to came together and pool their collective resources to form BackDoorHost and develop and market its own Web Software Application and Develop Internet Stores with a different delivery system and unique marketing system and unique Internet Store web sites.
BackDoorHost does more than just develop Internet Stores. BackDoorHost is a full-service Internet Hosting and Computer and Internet Software Applications Development environment. BackDoorHost develops power-web sites in the latest software application and derivative languages of HTML, JAVA, FLASH and other current and legacy computer and Internet software and operating languages, and creates award-winning Internet presence for companies, small and large.
BackDoorHost maintains:
Staffed with some of the world's best talent in the areas of Internet, Software Applications, Graphics, Video and Animation Production and Development Programmers, Graphics Artists, Internet Marketers and Promoters, and Computer Network and Information Technology (IT) and Network Professionals, each person is a professional and expert in their own specialty environments.
BackDoorHost is capable of creating a powerful web presence for any person or company, in the English Language and any foreign written and spoken language, and can develop specialized computer, network and Internet software applications in any programming language imaginable.
BackDoorHost can service a United States and Global Clientele in any country, on all computer platforms, in all computer environments, and can develop and/or promote you, your company, and your web site.
The BackDoorHost Programming Staff has extensive experience in current and legacy software application programming languages and language extensions (file extensions). In an emergency situation BackDoorHost can develop a turn-around solution within 24 - 72 hours in any computer or Internet language.
BackDoorHost offers it Clients a vast array of computer network, software application development, Internet, video and animation production, video-streaming and other services to assist its Clients in meeting the demands of a local, national and global business community and online presence when product and service delivery are demanded and a Internet presentation is required.
From inception of a computer software application or web site idea, to implementation of a comprehensive Internet Store with 5,000 products, to an Internet marketing campaign, to increasing your Internet presence and market share, and provide the required security infrastructure, BackDoorHost can develop and implement a core strategy for you and your company, and show results in record-time.
Contact BackDoorHost for all of your computer network, software application development and Internet (Web) Development, Graphics, Video Animation, and Video Production needs.
If you or your small business is interested in other business services in the computer, network, software application development and Internet development areas and want to learn more about other services offered by BackDoorHost or want to learn about how BackDoorHost can assist your company in today's competitively, difficult and demanding, global business climate and increase its web presence and financial bottom-line in 2012, go to the BackDoorHost's Business Services page by clicking here...Services page.