Business Income Programs
You can pay for our programs and services with CASH or BARTER-TRADE!
Did you ever want to make an extra income or try to become financially independent? Have you seen others make money online and say to yourself... "If they can make money online, why can't I do the same thing?" Well, you can start making money in the next thirty (30) days - GUARANTEED!!! How can we make such a bold statement that GUARANTEES that you will make an income starting in thirty (30) days? It is simple... WE PAY YOU!
You start receiving an income thirty (30) days after we receive your required auction bid payment on one or several of our business income programs.
What We Do Best...
BACKDOORHOST is in the "Web Development" business. We development anything and everything computer, network, web site, hosting and software applications and everything in-between. As part of our business, we build custom web sites and register Domain Names (web addresses) for individuals and companies. But, we take this to the next level in the Domain name and Web Site side of the Internet business where you can make money through our hard work.
We develop "themed" eCommerce Web Sites (Internet Stores with a specific category of products), and we register Domain Names (web addresses) that we own or register for others.
Then, for our own-developed Web Sites and our own registered Domain Names that we own, we rent these Web Sites and Domain Names to individuals and businesses on a monthly rental fee program, for them to make money with. Then, BACKDOORHOST collects a monthly rental and maintenance fee on these Web Sites and Domain Names.
There are many reasons why a company would rather "rent" a Web Site or Domain Name versus paying to have a Web Site custom-made or a Domain Name registered that they own. The reasons vary between individuals and companies. One of the main reasons is that many times small companies and private individuals can not find a good Domain Name for their Web Site or company, or do not want to wait a long time while their Web Site is being custom-made, so they rent a Domain Name that they like from us and/or they rent ready-made Web Site from our company, which allows them to open for business and start making money almost immediately.
Then, we take the worry out of the operational, marketing and promoting, and maintenance aspects of managing the eCommerce Web Site. We do it all relating to the Domain Name and Web Site, and the individual or company who rented a Domain Name and/or Web Site from BACKDOORHOST can then focus on operating and growing their business and start making money.
Our view? As long as they pay their monthly rents, BACKDOORHOST can't be any happier! If they don't pay the rent on-time, we shut-down the web site or redirect the domain name until they pay their monthly rent. Believe us, they faithfully pay their rents - they have too much to lose if they don't!
BACKDOORHOST is offering two (2) income programs - fifty percent (50%) share in the rental income in:
What this means is that we sell you half of the monthly rental fee BACKDOORHOST receives on the rental of a Domain Name and/or Web Site to an individual or company. Basically, and in a nutshell, BACKDOORHOST will share with you the monthly rent it receives on select Domain Names and eCommerce Web Sites it rents to others. This is like receiving a share of the rent from a house rental.
For example ... If BACKDOORHOST rents out a Domain Name for $250 per month, we will give you $125 per month if you become an "Income-Share Partner". We do the same for select Web Site rentals... If BACKDOORHOST rents out a themed eCommerce Web Site for $700 per month, we will give you $350 per month if you become an "Income-Share Partner". It is very simple to understand.
The Income-Share is paid directly to you through what we call "Income-Share Contracts". One (1) income-share contract per Domain Name or Web Site. Each Income-Share Contract is for one (1) year.
The BACKDOORHSOST's Domain Names rent for between $125 per month to as high as $750 per month. The BACKDOORHOST Web Sites rent for between $750 per month to $3,500 per month.
This is a form of what is termed in the commercial, financial industry as "factoring". Many companies sell-off or borrow against their invoiced-monthly income so they have readily available cash before the customer's invoice is due. This gives them the flexibility to keep growing and have available cash, and pays an excellent return on your money in interest immediately. Factoring has been a common practice among small and large companies in the United States and globally for many, many years.
How Does Someone Become An "Income-Share Partner"?...You have to bid for a "Income-Share Partner" position and Income-Share Contracts.
Several times per week BACKDOORHOST puts up for bid several Income-Share Contracts" on Domain Names (web addresses) and Web Site rentals that we either currently have rented to existing Clients or will rent to Clients in the immediate future. However, this is not like eBay: THESE BIDS ARE SEALED BIDS! This means that you can not view the bidding amounts by other bidders as they bid. you submit your bid and wait until the bidding cycle ends. You will then be notified if you have won or lost the bids after the bid closing date (end of the bidding cycle).
New "Income-Share Contracts" Ready For Bid...BACKDOORHOST is growing and we are getting new web development, maintenance and rental contracts on a daily basis, so we are getting ready to rent out a number of Domain Names and Web Sites to more individuals and companies! You can receive part of this income - 50% of a contact's monthly income - if you win a bid on a Income-Share Contract.
The Term Of The Income-Share Contract...The term on the Income-Share Contract is for one (1) year (12 month period). At the end of this one year period, the Income-Share Contract expires. When your Income-Share Contract expires, you retain the "first right of refusal" to pay the same amount as you did in your first bid to renew for an additional year for the same Domain Name and/or Web Site. If you choose not to remain in our "Income=Share Contract" program, we will put the contact up for another bid for the next year. We offer these contracts each year as long as the Domain Name and/or Web Site remains rented. How You Get Paid...
Each month we "settle" with "Income-Share Contract Partners" (you). This is called a "settlement". Every month, usually on the 5th of every month, we send out the "settlement payments", which is your share of the rental payment. At the end of the calendar year we send out IRS 1099 forms.
To Protect You...We own the Domain Names and Web Sites that we rent out. However, to protect you there is a lien placed on the ownership of the Domain Name and/or Web Site associated with your Income-Share Contract to be paid a rental-share of the rental income received on the Domain Name and/or Web Site. The contract states that our side can not be paid our share of the rental fee until your share of the rental fee is paid to you.
As an additional protection, there is a lien on our rental account for the particular Domain Name - when the rental fee is paid it is deposited into a separate account for that Domain Name and/or Web Site
As an even further protection to you, BACKDOORHOST additionally guarantees payment to you through our main operating account in the event the individual or corporation who rented the domain name and/or Web Site fails to make a rent payment. We still pay your share of the rental income.
We Have The Right To Sell The Domain Name & Web Site...You make money even if BACKDOORHOST sells the domain name and/or Web Site. Here is how it works...
BACKDOORHOST has the right to sell the Domain Name and Web site if we choose to do so. In the event we sell the Domain Name and/or Web Site, you will be entitled to 1/3 of the sales price less any amounts owed you on your successful bid payment, plus an additional amount on any money remaining on what your bid payment was.
For Example: Let's say your successful bid payment was $500 to BackDoorHost for an Income-Share Contract on a Domain Name. We then paid you you $125 per month for 3 months, totaling payments to you of $375. We then sold the Domain Name for $1,500. At the time we sold the Domain Name, we would still owe you another $125 on the return on your bid payment. We would then deduct $125 from the sale price of $1,500 we received for the sale of the Domain Name, and then we would pay you 1/3 of the remaining balance on the sale price which will come to $459. This is a good profit for you!!!
BACKDOORHOST still pays you your monthly Income-Share even if the Client fails to make a payment, we still pay you.
How The Bid Form Works...Each Domain Name (web address) and Web Site is assigned a "Domain Identity Number" ("DIN") or Host Identity Number ("HIN") for the bidding process. Domain Names and Web Sites identities remain private until after you win the bid, then it will be disclosed to you.
On the Bid forms found in the Domain Name and Web Site Income-Share program pages we have listed a chart with the details of each Domain Name and Web Site bids: the "DIN" or "HIN", the Monthly Rental Income (monthly amount the Client pays for the rental of the Domain Name or Web Site), the Yearly Total Amount the Client will have paid for the Domain Name or Web site rental after a one (1) year period), the Amount We Will Pay You each month if you are successful in getting the bid, and When The Bid Cycle Begins And When It Ends.
How The Bid Process Works...You review the Bid Form which lists:
If You Lost The Bid - We Will Notify You...
If you lost the bid, BACKDOORHOST will notify you. In this event you can always bid in the next bid cycle for new Domain Names and Web Sites up for Income-Share Contract bids.
If You Win The Bid - We Will Start Paying You In Thirty (30) Days...If you win the bid, BackDoorHost will send you the payment instructions and other important information. You will then have twenty-four (24) hours in which to make your bid payment through PayPal on the link provided on the BACKDOORHOST "Orders" Page.
After you win the bid and have made your bid payment(s), in thirty (30) days from the date your payment for the bid is cleared, BACKDOORHOST will send you a check, make an automatic deposit in the account your direct us to, or send you a Gift Visa or MasterCard of your choice) in the amount of half that rental amount of the monthly rental we receive from the Client renting a Domain Name and/or Web Site.
Multiple Bids...You can bid on as many Domain Name and/or Web Site rental "Income-Share Contracts" as you like. The more you bid on, you more you will earn each month of you are successful in winning the bids.
Pay By CASH or TRADE-BARTER - Types Of Payments - How to Pay...BACKDOORHOST offers two (2) types of payment options CASH or TRADE:
We accept payments by cash through a Debit Card, Credit Card or Money Order, or you can Barter-Trade items for your Income-Share Contract.
TO PAY BY CASH... THROUGH DEBIT CARD, CREDIT CARD OR MONEY ORDER is simple! You make your bids payments though PayPal by clicking on the PayPal link on the "Orders" page.
TO PAY BY... BARTER-TRADE method, you pay us by giving us goods and/or services in equal value amount of your successful bid.
If you choose to pay through the Barter-Trade method, the following plus additional terms and conditions and restrictions will apply:
(PLEASE NOTE: For Barter-Trade Payment Method $100 USD is charged separately as a "Transaction Fee", but this $100 is deducted from the bid fee you will pay for your successful bid.);.
For example, if the total, annual rent amount paid by our Client for a Domain Name rental or a Web site rental comes to $3,000 that they paid by the end of their one (1) year contract, then your goods or services must have a bona-fide, minimum value of $1,500;
Before you Barter-Trade, please view our "Wish List"
Notifications & Payments to You...
If you lost the bid, you can always bid in the next bid cycle for new Domain Names and Web Sites up for Income-Share Contract bids.
After you win the bid and have made your bid payment(s), in thirty (30) days from the date your payment for the bid is cleared, BACKDOORHOST will send you a check, make an automatic deposit in the account your direct us to, or send you a Gift Visa or MasterCard of your choice)
We Put Everything In Writing...Everything is in writing and agreed to by you and our company on a contract ("Income-Share Contract").