The Domain Name Rental Income Program
Did you ever want to make an extra income or try to become financially independent? Have you seen others make money online and say to yourself... "If they can make money online, why can't I do the same thing?" Well, you can start making money within the next thirty (30) days!!!
BACKDOORHOST has a program where it rents domain names (web addresses) to the companies it develops web sites for. There are many reasons a company would rather "rent" a domain name versus buying one, even though they are not expensive.
BACKDOORHOST sells part of its rental-income stream from the rental of domain names! You can earn an immediate, monthly income with us by becoming a "Partial-Income Contract Partner".
The Domain Name Rental Program is very simple...Each day we put up for bid the "partial-income contracts" on domain names (web addresses) rentals that we either currently have rented to existing Clients or will rent to Clients in the immediate future. We are growing and the contracts to develop many Internet Stores and other business web sites and make them operational are growing, so we are getting ready to rent a number of domain names to these web sites.
Here is how this works...Our company develops Internet Stores and other business (eCommerce) web sites. We register domain names (web addresses) for our clients or rent them domain names our company owns for their web site. We own many private domain names and rent them out to companies and individuals. Many times small companies and private individuals can not find a good domain name for their web site or company, so they rent a domain name from our company that is already registered to someone else because they like the domain name. Our domain names rent for $350 per month each.
You bid on the "partial-income contracts", and if you win the bid we will pay you half of the rental fee we receive each month for the rental, for one year. After one year, when your contract expires, you retain the "first right of refusal" to pay the same amount as you did in your first bid to renew for an additional year. If you choose not to remain in our "domain name partial-income contract program", we will put the contact up for another bid for the next year. We offer these contracts each year as long as the Internet Store remains operational.
Each month we "settle" with "Partial-Income Contract Partners" (you). This is called a "settlement". Every month, usually on the 5th of every month, we send out the "settlement Payments", which is your share of the rental payment. At the end of the year we send out IRS 1099 forms. For each "partial-income contract" you participate in, we will give you $175. It is that simple!
We own the domain name. You only have a lien on the name to be paid a rental-share of the rental income on the name. The contract states that our side can not be paid our share of the rental fee is paid to you.
To Protect You...We own the domain name. However, the domain name ownership and the rental-income from it has a lien on it by you, in your name, and is held by an attorney in their escrow account for the term of the "partial-income contracts". As an additional protection, there is a lien on our rental account for the particular domain name - when the rental fee is paid it is paid into a separate account for that domain name, and we additionally guarantee payment to you through our main operating account.
We Have The Right To Sell The Domain Name...We have a right to sell the name if we choose to do so. In the event we sell the domain name, you will be entitled to 1/3 of the sales price less any amounts owed you on your successful bid payment, plus an additional amount on any money remaining on what your bid payment was. For Example: Let's say your successful bid payment was $500 you paid to BackDoorHost. We then paid you you $125 per month for 3 months, totaling payments to you of $250. We then sold the domain name for $1,500. At the time we sold the domain name, we would still owe you another $250 on the return on your bid payment. We would then deduct $250 from the sale price of $1,500. We would then pay you 1/3 of the remaining balance on the sale price which will come to $500. This is a good profit!!!
Everything is in writing and agreed to by you and our company on a contract.
How The Bid Process Works...We have listed a chart below that details the domain names placed for immediate bids.
Each Domain Name (web address) is assigned a "Domain Identity Number" ("DIN") for the bidding process. The domain name remains private until after you win the bid, then it will be disclosed to you.
The chart below indicates the "DIN", the Monthly Rental Income (monthly amount the Client pays for the rental of the domain name), the Yearly total amount the Client will have paid for the domain name rental after a one (1) year period), the amount we will pay you each month if you are successful in getting the bid, and when the bidding begins and when it expires.
After you win the bid, in thirty (30) days from the date your payment for the bid is cleared, we send you a check or automatic deposit of half that rental amount of the monthly rental from the Client. Even if the Client fails to make a payment, we still pay you.
To submit a bid, all you do is e-mail to us the DIN and bid amount on the BID FORM. All bidders will be notified if they were a successful bidder or not within 24 hours after the bidding closes. All bids in $USD (U.S. Dollars).
You can bid on as many domain name rental "Partial-Income Contracts" as you like.
If you are successful in winning a bid, you make a payment through PayPal. BackDoorHost will send you the payment instructions and other important imformation.
If you have any questions about this program please e-mail us at Sales.
FOR BID:INCOME: $125 Per Month
Domain Identity Number (DIN) |
Monthly Rental Income |
Yearly Total Rental Income |
Your Monthly Income Amount |
Bid Begins/Bid Expires |
Min Bid Starts At |
A2334 |
$250 |
$3,000 |
$125 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$150 |
A2758 |
$250 |
$3,000 |
$125 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$150 |
A2445 |
$250 |
$3,000 |
$125 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$150 |
INCOME: $175 Per Month
Domain Identity Number (DIN) |
Monthly Rental Income |
Yearly Total Rental Income |
Your Monthly Income Amount |
Bid Begins/Bid Expires |
Min Bid Starts At |
B4516 |
$350 |
$4,200 |
$175 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$200 |
B4333 |
$350 |
$4,200 |
$175 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$200 |
B4965 |
$350 |
$4,200 |
$175 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$200 |
B4373 |
$350 |
$4,200 |
$175 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$200 |
INCOME: $250 Per Month
Domain Identity Number (DIN) |
Monthly Rental Income |
Yearly Total Rental Income |
Your Monthly Income Amount |
Bid Begins/Bid Expires |
Min Bid Starts At |
C6255 |
$500 |
$6,000 |
$250 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$275 |
C6768 |
$500 |
$6,000 |
$250 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$275 |
C6555 |
$500 |
$6,000 |
$250 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$275 |
C6890 |
$500 |
$6,000 |
$250 |
Feb 28-Mar 1 |
$275 |